
Welcome to the Blog of Denton Family Dentistry

Whether you are an existing patient or searching for a dentist in the Denton, TX area, we’re excited you are here. With the dental industry advancing, we recognize the importance of keeping our patients and visitors up to date with all of the new and exciting things taking place in our practice.

As we move forward with our blog, we hope to promote dental awareness as a vital part of your healthy lifestyle. Here you will find a variety of articles and topics including dental news, advancements in dental technology and treatments, practical oral health advice and updates from our practice.

We hope you find our blog to be helpful, engaging and informational to ensure your best dental health. 

As always, feel free to contact our Denton Family Dentistry office with any dental questions or concerns.

-- Denton Family Dentistry

Cosmetic Slow Down the Aging Process by Improving Your Smile

Although eyes are considered windows to the soul, your smile can reflect how much you value yourself...

Sep 30 • 2 min read
Restoration What Can You Expect with Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental implants are growing in popularity every year and many are requesting them over traditional d...

Sep 23 • 3 min read
Orthodontics 8 FAQs About Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic care is a crucial part of maintaining the health, beauty, and function of your smile. Be...

Sep 16 • 3 min read
Homecare All About Water Flossing

The chances are high that your dentist or dental hygienist has been pushing you to floss daily every...

Sep 9 • 4 min read
Cosmetic How Can Dental Veneers Improve Your Smile?

When looking in the mirror, does your smile give you confidence? Is your smile healthy, but you stil...

Sep 2 • 3 min read

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